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Parking at excel london

London Parking

※ Download: Parking at excel london

You can drive right up to Excel and park in the underground car park. You are welcome to leave your car overnight so long you don't need to access it overnight.

The company therefore has no obligation to maintain custody over the vehicle or its contents. The prices quoted are inclusive of VAT.

London Parking - You can reserve and pay via the JustPark website or app for any with the lightning bolt icon.

Terms and conditions Please read carefully. This is a safety notice with conditions that may affect your legal rights. Please remember that the car park is open to the public and it is not possible to guarantee the security of your vehicle and its contents. Except where expressly qualified, person includes companies, firms and associates incorporated or un-incorporated; words in singular shall where applicable include the plural, and words incorporating a masculine meaning shall include a feminine and neuter meaning. Speed limit Unless otherwise stated, there is a maximum speed limit in this car park of 10 M. Security Before leaving the car park, customers are strongly recommended to ensure that their vehicle is securely locked, all windows in the vehicle are securely closed and if the vehicle is fitted with security devices, please ensure that they are working and have been activated. If you have to leave possessions in the vehicle, do not leave them in plain sight, e. They should be locked in the boot or trunk. Customers are reminded that their motor insurance policies may not cover possessions in vehicle. Safety Car parks can be dangerous and all persons must drive carefully and observe the rules of the road. Park only inside a clearly marked space and proceed immediately to nearest exit, stairs or lift and leave the car park directly. Obey directional signs and be extra careful with children. Keep children under close supervision and do not permit them to play or run about in the car park and please deposit all litter in litter bins provided. Should you damage any vehicle in the car park, you are requested to report the matter immediately to the Traffic Office and give details of registration, insurance, etc. ExCeL London shall have the right to move any vehicle by driving or otherwise within or outside the car park at the company's sole discretion. Legal regulations ExCeL London is only providing a space for parking your vehicle and the fee is solely in proportion to the time spent in the Car Park. The company therefore has no obligation to maintain custody over the vehicle or its contents. The company, its servants and agents shall not be liable in respect of any loss or mis-delivery of or damage to the vehicle, howsoever, save where the same may be caused by the negligence or breach of statutory duty, of the company, its servants or agents in the case of the company only the dishonesty of its servants or agents. The company, its servants and agents shall not be liable in respect of death or personal injury sustained by the entrant howsoever the same may be caused save where the same may be caused by the negligence or breach of statutory duty of the Company, its servants or agents. The customer will indemnify the company against all claims, demands and costs whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the presence of the vehicle in the car park unless the customer shall prove that the loss, damage, death or injury the subject of the matter of such claims or demand was caused solely by the negligence or breach of statutory duty of the Company, its servants or agents. Tickets The ticket which is issued is applicable only to the vehicle in respect of which it is issued and does not entitle the customer to any particular space in the car park or to priority over other customers. One booking allows one single entry and exit into to the car park within the allotted time. Fees Pre-booking fees are displayed online and when placing the booking. Prices may be altered from time to time at the sole discretion of the company. The prices quoted are inclusive of VAT. In default of production of a ticket, the company may refuse to release the vehicle until it has made such enquiries as it may determine. In this regard, the company may require the customer to provide proof of ownership of the vehicle, proof of identity and to complete and sign such declarations as the Company may deem appropriate for the release of the vehicle. Customers who cannot produce their ticket on departure will be charged the full daily rate for the day of departure plus any charges for previous days parked in the Car Park. Refunds If you feel you require a refund please email the details to and state your car registration and reason for request. Our team will investigate the request and if necessary will be happy to provide a refund. Please note that no refund will be provided where a cheaper price could have been paid at the car park. Our prebooking products are not compatible with any other promotions or discounts including third party offers expect when offered as a pre-booking promotion code. Prohibited activities No vehicle should be towed into the car park and no work or cleaning of the vehicle shall be done in the Car Park except by authorised servants or agents. No activity in connection with the selling, hiring or the disposal of the vehicle shall be carried out in the car park. Alteration No person has any authority to vary or alter these Terms and Conditions unless such variation is in writing under the hand of the Company's Secretary. If your designated car park is not available for any reason we will make reasonable efforts to provide you with alternative parking facilities at a reasonably convenient location. You will not be entitled to a refund of the ticket price if such alternative parking space is available Communications A complaint against the Company should be notified immediately giving all the relevant details. Your insurers and the Police should also be notified if appropriate. The company reserves the right to cancel any bookings advertised or published in any manner with the intent to resell for profit or commercial gain. You can withdraw this consent at any time by contacting ExCeL London at. Please be advised that in the event you withdraw your consent to communicate, it may no longer be possible to provide you with the service. The company will not sell, trade or otherwise disclose your personal data to any third party except where necessitated by act of law. Cancellation Policy If you would like to cancel your booking please notify ExCeL by emailing or call 020 7069 4568. Cancellation received with less than 48 hours of the booked arrival will not be refundable. Cancellations on the day of booking or after are not refundable. Privacy Policy The use of the ExCeL London pre-booking website s provided by ExCeL London are subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, including any amendments or updates hereto. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Website. ExCeL London takes your privacy seriously. We gather certain types of information about our users and we want to help you understand the terms related to the collection and use of the information which we collect. This Privacy Policy discloses the types of information we gather, how we use it, and what choices you have regarding the collection of such information. BY USING, ACCESSING OR DOWNLOADING THE WEBSITE, YOU AGREE TO THE COLLECTION AND USE OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION AS HEREUNDER DESCRIBED , ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET HEREUNDER. ExCeL London reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time and without notice, and it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy for any changes. Your use of the Website following any amendment of this Privacy Policy will signify your assent to and acceptance of its revised terms. Collection of Information Personal Information. Use of certain features of the Website may require submission of certain personal information, including your first and last name, email address and contact phone number. Security ExCeL London has implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect and safeguard the personally identifiable information under our control from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, unlawful destruction or accidental loss. All our personnel that have access to, and are associated with the processing of your personally identifiable information, are obligated to respect the confidentiality of the information. If you are accessing the Website from a jurisdiction with privacy laws or regulations that differ from European Union laws, please be advised that through your continued use of the Website, you are transferring your any personal information you supply to the European Union and you consent to that transfer.


Spaces are available to blue badge holders only and badges must be displayed at all times. £15 for the entire day, that's not too shocking with the tickets being cheap I guess. All our personnel that have access to, and are associated with the processing of your personally identifiable information, are obligated to respect the confidentiality of the information. Visited the Excel before, many a time but it seems that the events have become worse over time. Please ensure you print out the ticket and bring it with you when travelling to the venue. This tariff is applicable for the following locations - Royal Victoria multi-storey car park, Undercroft parking Orange and Purple and the East Car Park. Shame they only have Coke everywhere, I prefer Pepsi but you can always take in your own food and drink if you prefer. I have never parking at excel london my own advice and every year I regret it.

0 Tovább

Como activar excel 2016

Arrastra archivos aquí para subirlos

※ Download: Como activar excel 2016

En el siguiente manual os explicamos, si aún no tenéis el nuevo Office 2016, cómo descargarlo fácil y legalmente desde los servidores de la compañía. Esta configuración hace que su equipo sea vulnerable a código potencialmente malintencionado y no se recomienda. Cómo descargar, instalar y activar Office 2016 Aunque Office es de pago, Microsoft nos permite descargar la ISO de Office 2016 de forma gratuita desde sus propios servidores, aunque no lo pone precisamente fácil.

Para habilitar el acceso, active la casilla. MegaDownloader funciona de la misma forma en esencia: se encarga de agregar los enlaces y descargarlos automáticamente por nosotros, sin que tengamos que preocuparnos de nada más. Si por alguna razón no te funcionó, prueba el nuevo activador 2018 Espero haberte ayudado y espero que hayas concluido con la publicación.

Arrastra archivos aquí para subirlos - En otras palabras, proporciona una opción de seguridad para el código que se escribe para automatizar un programa de Office y se manipula mediante programación el entorno y modelo de objetos de Microsoft Visual Basic para aplicaciones VBA.

Una vez instalado , recibimos una pantalla de confirmación. Al ejecutar Excel 2016 por primera vez, se abre la ventana de activación del producto a través nuestro email utilizado en el ID de Microsoft. La Activación se puede realizar al momento o podemos omitir este paso durante el periodo de prueba. Pero ten en cuenta que si no activas Office sólo podrás usar sus aplicaciones para abrir ficheros ya que la mayoría de sus funcionalidades permanecerán inactivas. A continuación se nos pide la confirmación para aceptar la licencia de uso y se nos informa que se actualizará automáticamente por defecto. La siguiente cuestión que se nos plantea ante de comenzar con la hoja o planilla de cálculo es escoger el tipo de archivo predeterminado, dónde hay que escoger entre formatos admite todas las características de Office o el formato Opendocument para mantener la compatibilidad con terceros como por ejemplo el formato ODF. Como la anterior opción esta elección puede cambiarse con posterioridad. Cumplidos estos pasos ya tenemos acceso a la aplicación Excel. A continuación estudiaremos la opción : No organizamos ni gestionamos cursos, sólo elaboramos guías y recopilamos en Internet contenidos e información de terceros que difunden recursos formativos. Los contenidos propios están protegidos en el Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual. Las marcas, nombres comerciales, logotipos o símbolos de terceros, citados en este website, son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares.


Puedes ver como activar excel 2016 posts más recientes en nuestra página del blog. Si la vamos a utilizar para uso personal, la versión Hogar y Estudiantes 2016 tiene un coste de 149 euros, pago único, mientras que las empresas sí tendrán que pasar, sí o sí, por Office 365, que explicaremos más adelante. Al lado derecho de la misma aparece una palanca que te da la opción de habilitar o deshabilitar la opción. La tabla siguiente muestra los posibles problemas y ofrece consejos sobre lo que debe o no debe hacer en cada caso. Así, podrá elegir cuándo quiere habilitar esas macros caso por caso. Es el sucesor de Microsoft Office 2013 para Windows y Office para Mac 2011. En esta ocasión traemos para ustedes una solución definitiva para la activación de Microsoft Office 2016. Si la vamos a utilizar para uso personal, la versión Hogar y Estudiantes 2016 tiene un coste de 149 euros, pago único, mientras que las empresas sí tendrán que pasar, sí o sí, por Office 365, que explicaremos más adelante.

0 Tovább

Calendario 2018 en excel

Calendario 2018

※ Download: Calendario 2018 en excel

En las próximas secciones describiré el funcionamiento de los calendarios incluidos suponiendo que has habilitado la edición y el contenido tal como lo he descrito anteriormente. El Calendario 2018 de Excel Total incluye 12 categorías que ya han sido programadas dentro del calendario. Ambas versiones tienen la misma funcionalidad y solamente cambiará el día en que inicia la semana.

Te recomiendo ampliamente leer la totalidad de este artículo para comprender todo el detalle del funcionamiento del calendario. Me ha sorprendido la sencillez y eficacia de las mismas. También podemos empezar a dar algún color suave, ya que al final nos ayudará a identificar mejor las filas y columnas.

Calendario 2018 - No necesitas software adicional para hacer esta tarea, solo deberás hacer clic derecho en el archivo descargado y elegir la opción Extraer todo.

Ya está aquí la actualización de la Agenda 2018 en excel Durante este año han sido muchas descargas y muchos los lectores y lectoras que me habéis dado las gracias por email. Las bondades de la agenda más señaladas, son su portabilidad, su fácil uso y la integración de apartados específicos para el cambio de hábitos que supone GTD. La agenda 2018 en excel no excluye el uso de herramientas como aplicaciones de calendarios en la nube, que en GTD las usamos para: — CITAS, es decir, acciones que tienen un día y hora definida y tenemos que hacer si o si. Reuniones, cita con el dentista, con el tutor de tu hijo, una comida con un cliente… — OBLIGACIONES que tienen día concretopero no hora y tenemos que hacer si o si. Por ejemplo, enviar una nota de gastos el día 30, comprar unas entradas el primer día de taquilla on line o física , recoger uniforme escolar el día que nos indica… — Aquellas que no tenemos que hacer si o si pero que queremos controlar para tomar una decisión sobre ellas. Recordatorios de cumpleaños, eventos en tu localidad, actos en los que intervienen conocidos, citas de compañeros con clientes importantes para dar feedback… Por otro lado el histórico de las agendas en la nube es limitado y hay que reconocer que mucha gente quiere algo offline por motivos de habilidad técnica o incluso por poder imprimir diariamente una guía de trabajo para llevarla encima pues su trabajo requiere mucha movilidad. Poder escribir sobre ella, anotar gastos, anotar a posteriori visitas o citas no planificadas y que se han atendido… La versión de 2018 ya está disponible y la regalo para los suscriptores del blog hasta el 31 de enero ¿Como funciona? La agenda 2018 en excel incluye una pestaña con una visión anual Además te facilito un planning totalmente personalizable para que lo utilices como quieras La agenda 2018 en excel tiene visión semanal, una pestaña por cada una de las 52 semanas del año con links directos para avanzar rápidamente. Están formateadas para imprimir la vista semanal. Además de la parte de horarios, he incluido en la parte de abajo las siguientes utilidades de izquierda a derecha: — Zona de Acciones siguientes con espacio para definir , tiempo y energía disponible, además de para definir la acción recuerda comenzar con un verbo accionable — Zona de Proyectos con sitio para los ocho que quieras enfocar y la próxima acción de cada proyecto. También con contexto tiempo y energía. Debajo de la cual dejo espacio para recordatorios de cumpleaños o algún tipo de Le sigue un área destinada a rutinasy un check list para los que nos dejamos las gafas por medio mundo. Espero que os guste, que la compartáis para ir ampliando la comunidad de intraemprendedores, que me reportéis feedback de su utilidad y me sugiráis las mejoras que consideréis oportunas. Nota: Para los actuales suscriptores ya te ha debido llegar la agenda en un email personalizado. Los diferentes colores son por si facilitan diferenciar temas por producto, por centros, para diferenciar ambito personal y profesional, etc. Es una ayuda para planificación. Recojo tu sugerencia y para la de 2019 intento solucionarlo. Las actualizaciones os las mando por mail a los suscriptores. Sobre el autor Miguel Albizu trabaja en banca dirigiendo equipo comercial. Acumula 20 años de experiencia en ventas y gestión de equipos. En su blog habla sobre el intraemprendizaje en la empresa, y en concreto acerca de creatividad e innovación en el modelo de negocio, comunicación interna, negociación interna, trabajo en equipo, liderazgo...


En la siguiente imagen estoy cambiando el color de la fuente de la categoría Fecha límite a un color amarillo En el caso de los colores, el cambio no será automático, sino que será indispensable pulsar el botón Establecer colores que se encuentra en la misma hoja Configuración. We'll correct mistakes as soon as possible. A continuación, te contamos qué pasos calendario 2018 en excel seguir para crear un calendario 2018-2019 en Excel, gracias a las directrices proporcionadas por los expertos de Extend Office. Me levanté vago esta mañana y en vez de hacerme una encontré tu página y bajé las plantillas. Aquí, lo único que debemos hacer es buscar el diseño que más nos guste y al hacer clic sobre él podremos ver un resumen del mismo y un atajo para descargar la correspondiente plantilla. La siguiente imagen muestra la vista previa de impresión de dicha hoja: Con este calendario tendrás una visión rápida de todos los meses del año y, con la funcionalidad de categorías de la hoja Diario, podrás resaltar con algún color especial aquellas fechas que son relevantes. Los calendarios mensuales dinámicos son una con tus estudios, establecer recordatorios, preparar tu agenda, tener disponible un calendario de contenidos desde cualquier dispositivo o pautar las deadlinesentre otras muchas opciones. Calendario 2018 Completo La primera hoja del libro de Excel contiene el calendario 2018 completo que será impreso en una sola hoja con orientación vertical.

0 Tovább

Police constable exam answer key 2018

TS Police Constable Answer Key 2018-30 September Paper Solution pdf

※ Download: Police constable exam answer key 2018

The Answer Key will be published on the Official Portal of the UP Police Recruitment Board. Find the HCF of 30,60and 72. There was a quantity of fit and eligible candidates have appeared for the test to qualify the Constable test. Also, follow this site as we upload any updates made by the TS recruitment board.

If you are unable to download the UP Constable Answer Key 2018, then please write to us in the comment section below. UP Police Constable Answer Key 2018 This year the UPPRPB had released a recruitment notification for 41520 vacancies reserved for UP Police Constable Posts. In addition to the admit card, the name of the city and centre of Examination will be announced separately in the admit card.

UP Police Constable Second Shift Re Exam Answer Key, Objection Form 2018 - Then, we are here to avail Kerala Police Constable Key Sheet along with KPSC Cut off Marks 2018 for you guys.

UP Police Constable Exam Answer Key 2018: UP Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has recently issued a recruitment for filling up the Constable post all over in the state. UPPRPB had conducted the written exam both for the man and woman candidates in two shifts. Download UP Police Constable Answer Key Morning Shift and Evening Shift from this page. UP Police Recruitment board is going to declared the UP Police Answer Key for the students who appeared in the examination. Here, we are going to provide you UPP Constable Exam paper Key, UP Police constable Solved Answer for the students who are eagerly waiting for the Answer Key UP Police. Whenever, department releases the notification for the constable post, lakhs of people applied for the post to join the department. Download UP Police Constable Answers. Board will announce the Answer Key or UP Police Constable Result will be declared very soon on the official website. According to the sources, UP Police Constable Exam Answer Key will be upload on the website in one week after the examination. But, We will release the exam Answer Key within one day for the students. UP Police Answer Key 2018: In 2018 board announced to recruit the approx. All aspirant who wants to join UP Police to serve for the state, can. So, aspirant candidates can check UP Police Constable previous Year Paper for the idea of written exam. This year board is going to organize the UP Constable online exam for fair examination. Lakhs of the candidates have been applied for this UPP Recruitment 2018. UP Police constable morning solved paper on resultwa. Candidates can download UP Police constable question paper Answer Key. So, here we are going to provide you last year UPP constable papers. Candidates can check UP Police constable previous year paper individually form this page. There is different criteria of physical standard and physical efficiency test for both gender candidates. Previous Years Paper not only help you to check the previous years question type but also helps for the syllabus, pattern and exam level in the examination. Last year paper is one of the best way to practise for the examination, but in the previous year board conduct the constable examination offline. Answer Key UP Police will be updated after few days of written exam. You can check from the above link. A Only Argument 1 is strong. B Only Argument 2 is strong. C Neither Argument 1 nor 2 is strong. D Both Argument 1 and 2 are strong. Q77 Which of the number given below is NOT a Square number? A 1225 B 2025 C 2525 D 4225 Q78 Select the most appropriate option to solve the equation. Find the HCF of 30,60and 72. A 2 B 3 C 6 D 12 Q82 Select the most appropriate option Find the LCM if 15,30 and 24. A 3 B 6 C 9 D 10 Q84 Mahim secured 126 marks in a test out of 175. A Rs 350 B Rs 360 C Rs 340 D Rs 375 Q87 After a discount of 12% a toy was sold for RS. A Rs 140 B Rs 175 C Rs 150 D Rs 160 Q88 The interest earned on Rs. A Rs 288 B Rs 294 C Rs 302 D Rs 308 Q90 Ravi and rashmi invested Rs 1500 and Rs 200 respectively in a business but ravi withdraw his money after few months. A 4 B 6 C 8 D 10 Q91 The average of 18,27 and another number is 30 what is the third number? A 35 B 36 C 40 45 45 Q92 Person A can complete a job in 48 min while B can complete the same job in 60 min. How long will they take to complete the job together? How long did Rajesh cycle? A 15s B 20s C 25s D 26s Q94 The length ,width and height of a room are in the ratio 5:4:2 if the length is increased by 20% and the width by 25% while the height is reduced by 25%, what will happen to the total area of the four walla of the room? Axe : Woodcutter :: Needle:? A Butcher B Carpenter C Tailor D Painter Q102 Which of the following pairs is opposite to the realationship between the words above? Hatred : Love A Virtue : Vice B Like : Dislike C Friend : Enemy D Safe : Secure Q103 Select the alternative that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term. Docter : Patient :: Teacher:? A Children B Students C School D Classroom Q104 What will be written in the place of question mark in the given series A1Y25C3G7W23O?? A T B R C Q D P Q107 What will be the written in place of the question mark in the given series? Ramesh goes towards North, turns right, then turn right again and then goes to the left. Which direction is Ramesh facing now? A East B West C North D South Q111. Sunita goes towards the south, turns left, then turns right and then goes to the left. Which direction is Sunita facing now? A Only Argument 1 is strong. B Only Argument 2is strong. C Neither Argument 1 nor Argument 2 is strong. D Both Argument 1 and 2 are strong. Question: Should parents invest as much in educating their daughters as much as they spend on educating their sons? Arguments 1 No ,almost all data points to the fact that boys are way more intilligent than girls. Question: Should parents invest as much in educating their daughters as much as they spend on educating their sons? Arguments 1 No, almost all data points to the fact that boys are way more intelligent than girls. A Only Argument 1 is strong. B Only Argument 2 is strong. C Neither Arguments 1 nor 2 is strong. D Both Arguments 1 and 2 are strong. A KMJHDFTR B KMHJDFRT C HJDFRTKM D KMJHFDTR Q115 In a code language, if BUTTER is coded as EXWWHU and MILK is coded as PLON, then, in the same code language, how will EARTH be spelled? A HDWUK B HDUWK C KHDUW D KHUWD Q116 Manmohan is the brother of Praveen. A Niece B Cousin C Sister D Mother Q119 What will be the next figure in the given series?


The KPSC recruitment board conducted exam having four sets. Important Links Also, TS Police Constable TSLPRB Police 17156. UP Police Answer Key 2018: In 2018 board announced to recruit the approx. TSLPRB SCT PC Prelims Exam 30 September Answer Key 2018: The exact date of the release of answer keys is not available. Download TNUSRB Police Constable Exam Key 2018. KPSC Police Constable Cut off Marks 2018 The is the minimum number of marks that a candidate has to achieve in the written test. All the candidates must be aware of what cut off marks mean.

0 Tovább

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※ Download: Trivia crack no ads apk

We do not publish games and applications for Android on the sharing services such as Letitbit Depositfiles or. The latest version of Trivia Crack No Ads is 2.

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This game offers several in-app purchases with which you can buy items and resources in the game but thanks to Trivia Crack 2. Read below detailed post on how to download, install and use this modded apk file on any android phone. Before providing you with the download links, I would like to share some important things regarding the Trivia Crack Apk like compatibility, requirements etc. Be the first to acquire the six crowns to win, but watch out for the rematch! But knowledge is not sufficient to win! Trivia Crack can also be a game of strategy: you can steal characters from your opponents if you challenge them onto a duel! Furthermore, Trivia Crack apk contains four Power-Ups that can help you get the right answer to the most troublesome questions. You will find over 90. It is available in Spanish for Spain and Latin America, also in English for the United States and United Kingdom. Highlights: — Test your own knowledge- Combines wit and strategy- Challenge your friends to a duel- talk along with your competitors during games- Share your achievements Reasons you need to be playing Trivia Crack right this second: — Countless thousands of exciting questions — You can create your own queries in the Factory — Over 20 game languages — Chat with your competitors — Collectable card assortment Need more? Below we have explained all the steps that you have to follow in order to install this app on your smartphone. Follow them exactly as mentioned below: 1. The first step is to download the Trivia Crack Apk 2018 edition file from the given download link. If you are downloading on your smartphone then you can directly go to step 3. If you have downloaded it on your PC then transfer that apk to your device. You can save it to the root directory or SD card. Now, before installing make sure that your device is having permission to install a third-party app. If that box is checked then you have already given permission but if it is not, then check it. After that, go to the folder where you have saved your apk and click it. This will start the installation process. Finally, within a minute the app will install and after that, you can enjoy using your Trivia Crack Apk infinte coins. Trivia Crack Apk 2018 Latest Version: 2. I hope now you can easily download edition file from above links. Feel free to share this Trivia Crack Apk with your friends. If you are facing any problem while installing the apk file on your device then do let me know in the comment section below so, that I can help you. Incoming Searches: Trivia Crack 2.


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0 Tovább



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